Days 51-60
Days 41-50 Packets
Days 31-40 Packets(COVID19 Closing)
Days 1- 10 below:
Clip these Box Tops from products at home and bring them in to help School 19 earn funds
School 19 is committed to reducing chronic absenteeism. For more information on the importance of attendance click on the link above.
During these difficult times student could benefit greatly from technology for home instruction. We’d like to know who has access to the internet and devices at home, and who does not. If you have not done so already, please take a moment to respond to the PPS Family Home Tech. Survey on the link below
PPS Family Tech Survey
Congratulations to PS 19 artists and Mr. Jach
To be the statewide leader in urban education
Mac电脑下载YouTube视频的方法 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云:2021-3-20 · 3. Airy for Mac Airy是一款在Mac上非常小巧的YouTube视频下载器。和其他软伀相比,Airy只支持下载YouTube视频,不支持下载其他的网站。这个软伀的设计完全是极简主义的企表,除了下载必须的按钮,没有其他伅何多余的功能。
September 25th: General Meeting
October 24th: Movie Night-Grade 1
November 21st: Movie Night-Grade 2
December 12th: Movie Night-Grade 3
January 30th: Movie Night-Grade 4
February 27th: Kindergarten Night
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April 30th: NJSLS Test Night
May 28th: Guest Speaker Night
June 13th: Movie Night-All Grades Invited
Rosalie Bespalko | Principal |
Principal's Message
ESSA Stakeholders Engagement Meeting Form
School HIB* Specialist
Cheryl Maas
(973) 321- 0190
District HIB* Specialist
Nicole Payne
(*HIB=Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying)
Public School #19
ABR Grade is 68 out of 78 points
消息称不同版本的iPhone 12刘海尺寸一致 LiDAR仅配备于6 ...:11 小时前 · YouTube频道EverythingApplePro的创建者今天早上在Twitter上引起了一场iPhone12泄密小风暴,他声称所谓的"iPhone12"的CAD图像表明,一些泄露者之前报告 ...
District Score: 70 out of 78 points